The journal

Mixed reality interactive tools
Daniele Bruno

The company's new strategy involves a gradual integration of style and design consultancy, supported by a creative approach to engineering. The new company motto has therefore become 'The creative engineering company'.

As part of its approach to the creative solution of complex problems, the company intends to radically innovate its prototyping process with the aim of directing its commercial actions no longer exclusively towards the shipyard or manufacturer of the goods under study, but also directly involving the end user.

In the case of the production of prototypes focused on the representation of shapes and spaces or the evaluation of ergonomics and materials, the final client could be, for example, the future owner of a boat.
On the other hand, as far as the production of drawings with a higher technical content is concerned, the final client may be the production manager of a production site such as a shipyard.
For both targets it will be necessary to strengthen the company's ability to involve all the senses of the users, with the aim of arousing positive emotions in the soul of those who lives the buying experience, a real path towards agreement between the parties who exchange mutual trust.
The involvement of the senses passes through the user's enjoyment of the product prototype that will soon be available to him. So, virtual prototypes in which the user can easily immerse himself and on which he can operate as if they were real.

With this service, Micad intends to create prototypes, in the fastest and most engaging way possible, with the aim of testing their functions and measuring their performance. This is possible, in a way that is extremely usable for the non-technical user, by creating virtual environments in the most general sense, i.e. mixed realities in which digital information merges with that of the reality surrounding the user.

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