What we do / R&D


Start Date01.11.2018
End Date31.01.2022

 30 months


1.191.826,53 €


AIRWORKS Srl, Università Degli Studi di Trieste, MICAD Srl e METECH Srl

MICAD is a Partner of ABE («Abbattimento delle emissioni vibroacustiche e chimiche in ambito navale», Reduction of maritime related noise, vibration and chemical emissions) a Research and Development project in the field of maritime technologies. The latter is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and in the framework of Regional Operational Program (2014-2020) of the Italian Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Objective “Investments to support Growth and Employment Objective 2014-2020”, Axis 1 – “Strengthening research, technological development and innovation”, Action 1.3 – “Support of collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, products and services”.

The project ABE started on 1st November 2018 and is designed to provide an answer to a set of problems related to engine vibrations of merchant and cruise vessels, with consideration to the hull-related noise impact on the marine environment. 

ABE considers the interconnection of noise, vibration and chemical emissions inducted and generated by engine and flue gasses plants, it plans the research of design methodologies and technologies for emissions reduction in order to provide a set of new services systems and new products.

The projects aims to deepen simulation / optimization methods for noise and vibrations reduction generated by main engines and spread on the hull, cabins and common areas though the Structure Borne Noise (vibration of the engine structure through the ship foundation) and Exhaust Gas Noise (throbbing of exhaust gases in the exit of the turbine). 

In relation to the chemical impact, a combined catalytic technology / scrubber (filter for reduction of emissions) will be developed with the aim of reducing simultaneously nitrogen and sulphur oxides, particulate and hydrocarbons generated without use of SCR systems (chemical systems for reduction of emissions).

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